Scaling and Exit Program for SMEs

Scaling and Exit Program for SMEs

SME’s with annual net sales revenue between USD 2-USD10 million

Typical Features of SME Owners:

Positioning, product and price strategies are not consistently profitable
The boss works like an employee in the business between 12-16 hours daily
He does not have a team, even if there is a team, wrong people are placed in wrong roles
Revenue stream is very inconsistent, not predictable
Daily work is caotic and does not follow a routine
His team cannot make one single decision without his approveal
He cannot have time with his family and friends
If at least 2 of the conditions above describe your current situation, continue reading below

BCC SCALE UP program is for:

Those SME owners who managed to build a company that does not yet generate sustainable cash flow and now is eager to scale up his company and reach passive income in 5 years time.

BCC SCALE UP Program content:

Prepare strategic and business plan for next 1-3 years to maximize free cash

Design and implement 7 critical business processes that enable scaling free cash

Strengthening your team, build succession plan for key team members, delegate well, prepare owner’s exit plan

Excellence in revenue generation (strategic positioning, trade channel strategy, excellence in marketing & sales, optimization of product portfolio, supply chain optimization and efficiencies, enhancing customer satisfaction end experience)

Design and implement risk management and internal controls system

Working Rhythm: 90-day Free Cash Scaling Workshops

Strategic and Financial consultancy to either You or your Board weekly or monthly to to help implementing scaling actions.

Online and face-to-face, as need be